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Pupil Premium


Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools in respect of children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months and children from service families.  This applies to both mainstream and non-mainstream settings.  Since 2012-2013 this has also included pupils eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (known as the Ever 6 FSM Measure).

Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit to 'narrow the gap' between children from disadvantaged circumstances and those above the low-income threshold - it is not linked to a specific child but is to be used for overall impact.  However, we are held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils.


Within Spalding Parish Church of England Day School

We continue to spend our budget with prudence and with the best interests of the children at the forefront.  All members of staff, including governors, accept responsibility for disadvantaged pupils and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and academic needs within the school environment.  Spalding Parish Church of England Day School is committed to 'Narrowing the Gap' for all of the pupils but specifically the vulnerable pupils.  The Pupil Premium forms a part of that process.  Each year the Pupil Premium strategy for the year is reviewed the following September.  

Pupil Premium Strategy 2022 - 2025 

Pupil Premium Strategy 2022 - 2025

Pupil Premium Strategy 2021 - 2022

Pupil Premium Strategy 2020 - 2021 

Sports Premium Strategy 2022-23

Sports Premium Strategy 2021-22

Sports Premium Strategy 2020-21

By using the Pupil Premium funding alongside the school budget, as detailed in our Pupil Premium Report, we believe we can provide all of our children with the opportunities to fully access the curriculum and raise their academic attainment.


Reporting Pupil Premium

Spalding Parish Church of England Day School will publish details of the strategy online annually.  This strategy aims to detail information on how Pupil Premium has been used within school and will detail the attainment and progress of pupils who are covered by and the intervention that has been supported by the additional funding.  It will also give information on any resources bought through the fund.  Strategies will also detail the progress made towards narrowing the gap and this will be supported by reported data and academic progress.  Regular reports will be presented on the progress of pupils supported by Pupil Premium to the Governors at Spalding Parish Church of England Day School; they have a designated governor with responsibility for monitoring Pupil Premium.  


Reporting to Parents/Carers

Parents/Carers will be able to obtain information on Pupil Premium via the school's website.  This will be updated annually with the strategy for the previous year reviewed in September.


Responsibility for Reporting

The responsibility for the strategy will be allocated to a member of SLT, and Phase Leaders will be asked to report on the intervention in place for key pupils and the impact that intervention has had.