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Class Attendance

The Attendance Winners for week commencing
13th January 2025 are awarded to:

FS2/KS1 - Y2AR with 98%

KS2 - Y6AS with 98.67%


Overall school attendance for last week is 94.16%



Term 3 winners of the weekly attendance bear are: 

6th January: Y1PB 98.62% and Y3KR 98%

13th January: Y2AR 98% and Y6AS 98.67%


Sainsbury's Voucher Winners for 100% Attendance in Term 1 and 2:




Book Winners for 100% Attendance in Term 2:





Term 2 winners of the weekly attendance bear are: 

13th December: Y1PB 94.4% and Y4SH 97.6%

6th December: Y2CH 99.31%  and Y4SH ***100%***

25th November: Y2AR 97.33% and Y5MA 98.75%

18th November: Y2CH 95.67% and Y5RW 99.33%

11th November: Y2AR 96.67% and Y3SD 99.33%

4th November: FS2Y1AC 97.69% and Y5MA 99.38%

29th October: Y1PB 98.21% and Y3KR ***100%***

Book Winners for 100% Attendance in Term 6:

FS2:  Amelia FS2Y1KB

KS1:  Dylan Y2AR

LKS2: Isabella Y3SD

UKS2: Douglas Y6AS

Term 1 Winners of the weekly attendance bear are: 

14th October: Y1JT 98.28% and Y5MA 96.88%

7th October: Y1JT 97.59% and Y6EW 97.86%

30th September: FS2Y1AC 94.8% and Y3SD 98.67%

23rd September: Y2CH 98% and Y6AS 98.93%

16th September: Y2AR 99.33% and Y6AS and Y6EW 98.57%

9th September: FS2Y1AC 99.07% and Y6AS 99.64%

4th September: Y2CH 98.89% and Y4SH and Y6EW both ***100%***

Sainsbury's Voucher Winners for 100% Attendance in Term 5 and 6:

FS2/KS1: Herman Y2AR

LKS2:  Tajus Y3SH

UKS2:  Sara Y6AS

Book Winners for 100% Attendance in Term 6:

FS2:  Adriana FS2KB

KS1:  Arthur Y2AR

LKS2: Tommy Y4LB

UKS2: Sharanya Y6AS

Term 6 Winners of the weekly attendance bear are: 

15th July: Y1PB 96.55% and Y5MA 100%

8th July: Y2DO 96.21% and ***Y5MJ 100%***

1st July: Y2CH 98.33% an Y3SD 97.5%

24th June: Y2CH 97% and Y3TS 99.23%

17th June: Y1PB 98.28% and Y5MA 98.15%

10th June: Y2DO 97.59% and Y5MA 99.29%

3rd June: FS2KB 100% and Y3SH%

Book Winners for 100% Attendance in Term 5:

FS2:  Wiktorija FS2KB

KS1:  Daniel Y1PB

LKS2:  Sapphira Y4KR

UKS2:  Katrina Y5MJ