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What are Education and Health Care Plans?

What is an EHCP?

Pupils in Primary Schools no longer have a Statement of Special Educational Needs. These have been replaced by Education, Health and Care Plans.

What is an Education, Health and Care Plan?

From September 2014, 'Statements' were replaced by 'Education, Health and Care Plans'.  This document will continue to outline a pupil's special educational needs and the support that the school needs to put in place to help them, but it will be a much more child friendly document, based around the pupil and their family. 

How will I know if my child needs an EHCP?

You will need to discuss your concerns with the school Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), who will advise you about whether your child needs an Education, Health and Care Plan.  Only pupils with significant special educational needs would be considered for an EHCP and only once the school has exhausted its provision and outside agency support.  These discussions are normally held at a review meeting with outside agencies.

How can I get an Education, Health and Care Plan for my child and how long does it take?

At the moment, either you can make a parental request to the Local Authority for a 'Request for Statutory Assessment' or the school can make a request.  If you make a parental request, the Local Authority will ask the school to complete a 'School Advice Form', the same as if the school make a request.  However the request is made, the Local Authority will want to see as much evidence as possible about your child's needs, what has been put in place to help them and what impact the support has had on your child's progress.  At the moment, the 'Statutory Assessment' process takes 20 weeks.

My child has an Education, Health and Care Plan but now I feel that they need a special school place, what do I do?

If at any point you or the school feel that a mainstream school can no longer meet your child's needs, an early Annual Review can be called.  Any discussions about school places need to be discussed at the Annual Review, preferably with any supporting outside agencies present to give their views.  The request for a special school place will be noted on the Annual Review form and the Local Authority will consult the named special school.  A decision will then be made based on whether any places are available and if the special school could meet your child's needs.